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Body Lift in Mexico

What is a Body Lift?

A body lift procedure is done to tone any underlying tissue that supports either the skin or the fat. It is also done to improve the shape of the skin. During this plastic surgery procedure, excess fat or skin is removed.

This is done to improve any area of the body that has become dimpled due to cellulite. Some areas a body life can occur in are the thighs (inner, outer or posterior), groin, buttocks or the abdominals. The body lift procedure itself is not done just to remove fat as liposuction is better suited for those types of patients.

Types of Body Lift Procedures

This body lift procedure replaces skin that has lost elasticity due to extreme weight loss. It is very effective, especially for post-bariatric patients.

The most common body lift procedures are upper body lift and lower body lift:

– The upper body lift is for patients with loose sagging skin from a significant amount of lost weight. In this procedure, the loose skin on the back is tightened, and the extra rolls are improved on the back along the bra line.

– The lower body lift also referred to a circular tummy tuck or belt lipectomy, is a standard surgery for patients with excess sagging skin resulting from losing massive weight in bariatric surgery.

Who is a good candidate?

Before having a procedure such as this, the patient’s weight must be stable. If a patient loses weight again after the procedure, the skin may look saggy again. Ultimately, individuals with loose skin all over the body, who don’t have any medical conditions that impair healing and non-smokers are all great candidates for body lift surgery.

About the Body Lift Surgery

Anesthesia is used during the procedure, usually intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. After the patient is sedated, the surgeon will place various incisions on the body, depending on where the skin and fat to be removed is located. After the skin and fat are removed successfully, tapes, skin adhesives or sutures are placed to close the incisions. Results are seen almost immediately after the surgery.

Post-Op Expectations

A small tube is often placed under the skin to drain any blood or fluid from the body. These drains are left internally until a specific amount of fluid has been removed. Removal of these wastes typically occurs outpatient in a doctor’s office occurring about two weeks after surgery. Depending on the type of sutures used, they may just dissolve on their own. If they do not, they will be removed during this post-op appointment as well.

Compression garments are worn to control swelling. They are also used to smooth or flatten the skin further. The activity level suggested for each patient will depend on their healing progress. The movement also helps to promote drainage, but it can be painful for many after the procedure.

Having a Body Lift in Mexico

Having a body lift surgery in Mexico can be a safe and successful experience. A medical accreditation agency tests hospitals abroad for efficiency and safety measures. They ensure that they are following all of the proper health codes. There are countless skilled and competent surgeons in Mexico ready and willing to perform body lift procedures on United States-born patients.

Finding a reputable doctor that can safely administer the process is no longer a difficult task. Work with a health travel agency to receive suggestions from physicians and hospitals to work with. The surgeon itself will discuss your personal medical history as well as any questions or concerns you have regarding the procedure. The doctor will communicate with the patient’s American physician to determine a plan of action.

This will include the type of anesthesia that will be used, anything about tests that are required for surgery and other miscellaneous concerns. After this, the total cost is determined by the procedure. Most of the time this cost will include all surgical costs, the hospital stay, any prescription medications, nurse visits and any follow-up required after the procedure. Any travel to and from the hospital is a separate expense.

The patient will need to have someone go with them to help them during their post-op in a hotel before traveling and during the traveling experience.

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