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Plastic Surgery Can Help Treat Birth Abnormalities and Improve Self Esteem in Children

Plastic surgery is commonly used as a means to cosmetically improve the body. This can be deemed acceptable in children who have been born with various abnormalities that may affect their self-esteem. Experts believe that many of these birth defects can be treated and repaired through the use of plastic surgery. Ultimately, improving a child’s appearance can make a large…

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More People Getting Plastic Surgery in the New Year

Plastic surgery has always been a popular option for people that want to improve their appearance, whether it is liposuction, minimally-invasive laser surgery, or enhancements. But recent trends show that the rates of getting plastic surgery are rising particularly around the holidays and the New Year. It seems that people are taking advantage of having the holidays off, in order…

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Experts Say Stem-Cell Enriched Fat Grafts Improve Plastic Surgery Results

According to Medical News Today, doctors may soon be able to give their patients better plastic surgery results with reconstructive or standard procedures with the help of stem-cell enriched fat grafts. Autologous fat grafts, which requires the transplant of fat from one area of the body to another, has become more prevalent in breast reconstructions and other plastic surgeries. Researchers…

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8,000 Tummy Tucks on National Health Society in UK

Nearly 8,000 patients had tummy tucks on the national health society’s dime in the last 6 years. These procedures cost an estimated cost of £50 million. This system has been offered to obese patients and many women who have postpartum depression due to the increased weight they have gained due to pregnancy. The system can cost up to £6500 to…

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How Stem Cells Improve Plastic Surgery

Researchers at Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark may have found a brand new way to use stem cells: for reconstructive plastic surgery. Reconstructive surgery is done to improve a person’s appearance following infection or trauma, disease, tumor, cancer or a congenital defect. It is an area of plastic surgery that is considered medically necessary because it is not elective. This…

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New Popularity of Genital Plastic Surgery for Women

Plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery procedures have been on the rise for a while, including a variety of new procedures introduced all across the world. One of the more surprising rises in plastic surgery procedures is with those relating to women’s genitals. A recent study showed startling data that suggests a considerable increase in labiaplasties and other procedures performed on…

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